Drawing out life’s essence
I have made art pretty much all my life. When I was in college, I learned to weld and made larger sculptures. As my life became more mobile (and domesticated) I shifted to drawing, sketching and painting with watercolors. I identify with "outsider artists" in that I am not big on accurate perspective, shadows, or even color. I draw what I see and don't get too hung up on precision or convention (but I am working on it.) Usually I am quick about it. Occasionally I spend more time on one piece - whatever it takes to capture the essence.
What would you like to see?
Collaborative by nature, Lisa is a visual interpreter. She delights in bringing ideas to life through drawing and visuals. Take a look at some of her projects and see what comes to mind!
Actually, in Silicon Valley, some people check the "other" box on standardized forms. Maybe the category on those dreaded forms that confounds you is ethnicity or gender or even age (you might feel like a different age than you technically are.) For me, that category is "occupation" or "profession". I just don't fit into any of the standard options. Pretty much ever. My 2017 TEDx talk on the The “Joys of Otherhood” is about just that.