Wands + Fetishes (2016-present)

This wand making thing all started in the fall of 2016 when I was about to leave for a political canvassing trip. I found a dried plant that looked like a wand and my traveling companions and I made a collective wish for a smooth trip.


We forgot to wish for the main event—that our candidate would win the election. After election day, I began to make wands of all kinds from sticks and remnants of various kinds—bits of ribbon, feathers, an orphaned earring—anything I could find.


Some people knit. I like to make wands and fetishes.

carries wand  2018-05-31 09.54.08_4.jpg

I have made fertility fetishes for a long time, which have had a good track record.

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I regard wands as a beautiful and intriguing object that can also be an instrument for the recipient’s intentions. My one request is that people remember to WISH BIG. 


Are You Somebody?


Transparency + Overcombing